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  4. “Orientalism” and “Occidentalism” in Depth Psychology: the Contribuition of Hayao Kawai to the Jungian Perspective on the Psyche

【令和2年度 一般公募プロジェクト】“Orientalism” and “Occidentalism” in Depth Psychology: the Contribuition of Hayao Kawai to the Jungian Perspective on the Psyche

研究課題      “Orientalism” and “Occidentalism” in Depth Psychology: the Contribuition of Hayao Kawai to the Jungian Perspective on the Psyche

研究代表者     Montanari Marco Sapienza University of Rome Adjunct Professor

本センター担当教員 河合俊雄     京都大学こころの未来研究センター 教授
          畑中千紘     京都大学こころの未来研究センター 特定講師

The research purpose is to enlighten the fundamental contribution of Hayao Kawai in the debate about psychology focusing on the specificities of the Japanese Psyche making clear the “Occidentalistic” and “Orientalistic” bias within the Depth Psychology thought.
The expected result is a first collection of Kawai’s main contributions to the international debates about:
   1) the importance of the language as a filter of our way to consider the reality
   2) the role of individual native culture in shaping his/her psyche