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  4. Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai was featured on the web magazine “That’s Kyo-dai” edited by the Public Relations Division of Kyoto University

Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai was featured on the web magazine “That’s Kyo-dai” edited by the Public Relations Division of Kyoto University

Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai was featured on the special website “That’s Kyo-dai,” which showcases the appealing culture of Kyoto University.


The article, entitled “Buddha’s Wisdom in AI!? What is the future society created by the harmony of cyber, physical and mind?,” introduces Prof. Kumagai’s profile and his latest research achievements, such as the AI-Based Chatbot “Buddhabot” and the Psyche Navigation System.


https://www.thats.pr.kyoto-u.ac.jp/2021/08/25/11629/ (That’s Kyodai, Japanese version only)


*Related social media posts (Japanese)
https://twitter.com/univkyoto/status/1430344562715754500 (Kyoto University’s Twitter)
https://www.facebook.com/Kyoto.Univ/posts/3554850067989473 (Kyoto University’s Facebook)



The AI-based chatbot “Buddhabot” has already been introduced in the following media:

http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/photo/38954863 (*English version/Asahi Shimbun)
https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210424/p2a/00m/0sc/021000c (*English version/Mainich Shimbun)
https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/intnews/20210327/bkn-20210327213028488-0327_00992_001.html (*Chinese version/RTHK News)
https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210328/00180_035.html (*Chinese version/昔日東方)
https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20210327/k10012938991000.html (*Japanese version/NHK)
https://www.kyoto-np.co.jp/articles/-/537180*Japanese version/Kyoto Shimbun
https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/research-news/2021-03-26-3(*Japanese version/Kyoto University Website)
https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/local/kansai/news/20210804-OYO1T50021/ (Yomiuri Shimbun Website)
…and many more.

*TV and radio appearances
NHK’s Morning Information TV Program Asa-Ichi
NHK Radio News Program
…and many more.


The Psyche Navigation System has also been introduced in the following media (Japanese version only):
https://note.com/bunkajiho/n/nbf65d2fffcdd (Bunkajijo)
https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/news/2021-05-18 (Kyoto University Website)
https://cpms.kokoro.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ (Psyche Navigation System Website)
…and many more.
