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My research field is clinical psychology; I am interested in the cultural and historical background of psychotherapy, beyond the various psychological problems appearing in psychotherapy. In this sense, my concern is how consciousness today is reflected in psychotherapy. While the psychotherapy inaugurated by Freud takes neuroses as its object, and is based on self-consciousness, the consciousness of today seems to have a different structure, appearing in new symptoms like dissociation, developmental disorders, and psychosomatic disorders. As a Jungian analyst, I work with images, but recently I am more interested in the dialectics of psychotherapy. As methodology, I use not only case studies in psychotherapy, but also investigation and studies of literature. I am looking for a methodology transcending the use of narratives alone.


Finished Master’s Program, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, 1982
Received Ph.D. in Psychology, Zurich University, 1987
Psychotherapist in Calanchini Clinic, Lugano, Switzerland, 1988-1990
Associate Professor, Konan University, 1990-1995
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, 1995-2004
Professor, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, 2004-2007
Professor, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University, 2007-
Zurich University Ph.D. (Psychology)


(Only English and German Publications. There are 3 books and more than 90 papers in Japanese.)
1. Kawai, T.: Zum Bildmangel von psychosomatisch Kranken: Eine Untersuchung mit dem Assoziationsexperiment, Nervenarzt,56, 492-497, 1985.
2. Kawai, T.: Die Mutterlichkeit in Japan. Journal (Psychoanalytisches Seminar Zurich), 13, 23-29, 1985.
3. Kawai, T.: Bild und Sprache und ihre Beziehung zur Welt: Uberlegungen zur Bedeutung von Jung und Heidegger fur die Psychologie. Koenigshausen und Neumann, Wurzburg 1988.
4. Kawai, T.: Die japanische Psyche: Zwischen Tradition und Technologie. Gorgo, 14,5-24,1988
5. Kawai, T.: Die Initiation ins Dichterische bei Heidegger und Jung: Der Ort der Psychotherapie. Daseinsanalyse, 6, 194-209, 1989.
6. Kawai, T.: Truth and reality in psychotherapy. Harvest, 47, 35-63, 2001
7. Kawai, T.: Die Wahrheit in der Psychotherapie. Gorgo, 44, 47-68, 2003.
8. Kawai, T.: Postmodern consciousness in the novels of Haruki Murakami. in: Singer, T. (ed.) The Cultural complex, London: Routledge, Pp. 90-101, 2004
9. Kawai, T.: Postmodern consciousness in psychotherapy. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 51, 437-450,2006.
10. Kawai, T.: The experience of the numinous today: from the novels of Haruki Murakami. In: Casement, A. & Tacey, D. (Eds.) The idea of the numinous: Contemporary Jungian and psychoanalytic perspectives. Routledge : London & New York. Pp.186-199, 2006.
11. Kawai, T.: Jung in Japanese academy. In: Casement, A. (Ed.) Who owns Jung? Karnac: London. Pp. 5-18, 2007.
12. Kawai, T.: Union and separation in the therapy of pervasive developmental disorders and ADHD. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 54, 659-675, 2009.
13. Kawai, T.: Jungian psychology in Japan: Between mythological world and contemporary consciousness. Stein, M. & Raya, A.J. (Eds.) "Cultures and Identities in Transition". Routledge: London and New York. pp.199-208, 2010.