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  4. Professor Keishi Saeki held Kokoro Lecture on Thoughts, themed on “Contemplating ‘the Age of Fakery’”

Professor Keishi Saeki held Kokoro Lecture on Thoughts, themed on “Contemplating ‘the Age of Fakery’”

Kokoro Lecture on Thoughts, given by Prof. Keishi Saeki, was held in the third-floor conference hall of Kyoto University’s Inamori Center on July 10th, 2019.

During the first half of the event, Prof. Saeki gave a lecture entitled “Contemplating ‘the Age of Fakery’.”

The lecture discussed how fakery is breaking into the center of society. The “Trump-phenomenon” in politics, the “IT/AI-revolution” in culture, and “Abenomics” in economics are contemporary phenomena with a common characteristic: use of Fakery. For example, political rhetoric that makes use of “Fake News” to gain public support, or “virtual economy” that is driven by finance and information, rather than by real economy, such as manufacturing. Viewing this situation from theoretical perspectives of modern civilization, one can see that it has been caused by the way of thinking that underpins Western thought at bottom. In this sense, it can be said that “the Age of Fakery” is an inevitable consequence of Western thought.

In the second half of the event, Prof. Saeki answered the questions about his lecture. The audience asked many questions, which showed they had a high degree of interest in the topic. Some of Prof. Saeki’s answers to audience questions led to further questions, making the Q&A session so exciting that the event went past its scheduled end time.


(Reported by: Tomonori Shimomura, Research Fellow)
