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  4. Cognitive and Physical Perspectives of a Full Heart

Cognitive and Physical Perspectives of a Full Heart

Research Topic
Cognitive and Physical Perspectives of a Full Heart

Lead Researcher
Seiji Kumagai, Associate Professor, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University

Center Co-Researcher
Yoshiyuki Ueda, Senior Lecturer, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University


In the field of brain science, studies based on Buddhist meditation techniques have been conducted to elucidate a method and the mechanisms to maintain concentration and equanimity. Buddhist meditation is generally divided into focused and insightful meditations, and is one of the important methods of ascetic practice in Buddhism. Most notably, Mahayana Buddhism emphasizes meditation with prayer, not mere meditating. And, for praying, the attitude “with a full heart” is essential. Thus, it can also be considered that the effects of meditation may change depending on whether people do it with a full heart or not, rather than just doing.

In many aspects of our daily lives as well as in meditation, we value the attitude “with a full heart.” In this study, we collect and discuss information that examines the cognitive and physical effects of the act “doing with a full heart” and what the attitude actually brings.
