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  4. “Buddhabot,” An AI-Based Chatbot Developed by Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai et al., Has Been Featured on NHK News

“Buddhabot,” An AI-Based Chatbot Developed by Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai et al., Has Been Featured on NHK News

“Buddhabot,” an AI-Based Chatbot developed by Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai et al., was featured on NHK News in a segment entitled “Buddha Appears on Your Smartphone: Development of Interactive AI-Based Chatbot that Answers Your Worries from a Buddhist Perspective” (September 6, 2022).

In March, 2021, Prof. Kumagai publicly announced the creation of “Buddhabot”, developed with Koshin Higashifushimi (Deputy Chief Priest, Tendai School Shoren-in Temple) and Toshikazu Furuya (CEO, Teraverse Co., Ltd.) et al. The new system “Tera Platform AR Ver1.0,” in which augmented reality (AR) technology has been integrated into the “Buddhabot” to add visual and auditory elements, has now been completed, as announced by Kyoto University.

https://www3.nhk.or.jp/kansai-news/20220906/2000065953.html (*Japanese version/NHK Website)



*Buddhabot has also been introduced in the following media:

http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/photo/38954863 (*English version/Asahi Shimbun)
https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210424/p2a/00m/0sc/021000c (*English version/Mainich Shimbun)
https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/intnews/20210327/bkn-20210327213028488-0327_00992_001.html (*Chinese version/RTHK News)
https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210328/00180_035.html (*Chinese version/昔日東方)
https://www.kyoto-np.co.jp/articles/-/537180(*Japanese version/Kyoto Shimbun)
https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/research-news/2021-03-26-3(*Japanese version/Kyoto University Website)
…and many more.
