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  4. “Buddhabot” (AI-Based Chatbot) and “Teraverse” (Buddhist Virtual Space Concept), Developed by Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai et al., Were Covered on “News Runner” (Kansai Television)

“Buddhabot” (AI-Based Chatbot) and “Teraverse” (Buddhist Virtual Space Concept), Developed by Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai et al., Were Covered on “News Runner” (Kansai Television)

The AI-based chatbot “Buddhabot” and the Buddhist virtual space concept “Teraverse,” which was co-developed by Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai and Toshikazu Furuya (CEO, Teraverse Co., Ltd.) et al., were covered on Kansai Television’s “News Runner” on September 6, 2022 (“Consult the “AI Buddha” to solve your worries: Technology Developed by a Research Team at Kyoto University that Aims to Create a Virtual Space Called the “Teraverse ” [a portmanteau of ‘tera’, the Japanese word for temple, and ‘metaverse’]).

Kyoto University has announced that the AI-based chatbot “Buddhabot,” which Associate Professor Kumagai and his team developed, has been combined with augmented reality (AR) technology to complete the new system “Tera Platform AR Ver1.0,” which includes visual and auditory elements. Associate Professor Kumagai and his team plan to add VR and other technologies to further develop the “Teraverse,” a Buddhist virtual world that combines Buddhism and metaverse technology.

It is said that 30% of Buddhist temples will disappear by 2040 due to financial difficulties. The use of virtual space has the potential to eliminate some physical constraints, such as through the reduction of building maintenance costs, facilitating remote visits, and so on. By introducing the latest technology, the world of Buddhism is expanding beyond time and place.


Website of Kansai Television



*“Tera Platform AR Ver1.0” and the Buddhist virtual space “Teraverse” have already been introduced in the following media.

https://www3.nhk.or.jp/kansai-news/20220906/2000065953.html (NHK)
https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/f3d517f2170fd03a3629caf292d1249f538433db (ABC News, Asahi Broadcasting)

NHK News (September 6, 2022)
News “Okaeri” (Asahi Broadcasting, September 6, 2022)


*Buddhabot was also introduced in the following media:

NHK News (September 6, 2022)
News “Okaeri” (Asahi Broadcasting, September 6, 2022)

http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/photo/38954863 (*English version/Asahi Shimbun)
https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20210424/p2a/00m/0sc/021000c (*English version/Mainichi Shimbun)
https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/intnews/20210327/bkn-20210327213028488-0327_00992_001.html (*Chinese version/RTHK News)
https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210328/00180_035.html (*Chinese version/昔日東方)
https://www.kyoto-np.co.jp/articles/-/537180(*Japanese version/Kyoto Shimbun)
https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ja/research-news/2021-03-26-3(*Japanese version/Kyoto University Website)
…and many more.
