Paper Co-Authored by Dr. Hisae Konakawa Has Been Published in International Journal of Dream Research
A paper co-authored by Dr. Hisae Konakawa, entitled “Differences in dream content and structure between Japanese and Western dreams,” has been published in International Journal of Dream Research, Vol. 14, No. 2.
Roesler, C., Konakawa, H., Tanaka, Y. (2021). Differences in dream content and structure between Japanese and Western dreams. International Journal of Dream Research, 14 (2), 195-201.
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the influence of the culture to which the client belongs and the culturally-shaped mentalities on the dreams, by quantitatively analyzing dreams the client had during sleep in the process of psychotherapy.
One hundred and forty dreams reported by eleven German clients, and 168 dreams reported by thirteen Japanese were analyzed, focusing on the structure: how “I” act subjectively or in relation to others in the dream.
The results suggest that the dreams of Germans and Japanese differ in terms of structure, while the typical dream structure of each one overlaps with the characteristics of each culturally-shaped mentality. This may suggest a continuity between dreams and reality. Therefore, further research will be conducted on the relationship between clients’ dreams in the process of psychotherapy and changes in real life.
The full text of this paper can be found here: