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  4. Serial Article on Bhutanese Buddhism (Part 2) by Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai Published in the Newspaper Kuensel of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

Serial Article on Bhutanese Buddhism (Part 2) by Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai Published in the Newspaper Kuensel of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

A serial article on Bhutanese Buddhism (Part 2) by Associate Professor Seiji Kumagai (Divisional Director, Uehiro Research Division) was published in Kuensel, a national newspaper of the Kingdom of Bhutan. In this series, entitled “The Life and Legacy of Tsangpa Gyare: A three-part series,” Prof. Kumagai provides an overview of the founder of Bhutanese Buddhism, Tsangpa Gyare (1161-1211).


The article appeared in the printed edition of the Newspaper Kunsel (April 2, 2022, page 8) and in their online edition (April 2, 2022).




In the second part of the serial articles, Prof. Kumagai outlines the history of Tsangpa Gyare, the founder of Bhutanese Buddhism, from his childhood to his student and training years. This article also includes pictures of ruins where Tsangpa Gyare was born and spent his childhood. Based on ancient documents, Prof. Kumagai located and discovered these sites, and he was the first in the world to publish these locations in photographs (Kumagai 2018). 

*Click on the image to view the newspaper article (English version, PDF).
