Yukiko Uchida

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Yukiko Uchida  |  Professor  |  Cultural Psychology, Social Psychology

My research has focused on cultural variations in emotion and social relationships. In the course of my research in cultural psychology, I have suggested that daily practices and meanings construct our psychological functions and self-systems. In particular, my research examines the meanings of happiness and unhappiness; people’s experience of emotions and understanding of others’; and the roles of emotional support and social relationships. My cross-cultural studies examine how participation in meaningful cultural practices fosters these psychological processes.

Uchida Lab: Cultural-Kokoro Network

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Profile (in Japanese)

Email: uchida.yukiko.6m[at] kyoto-u.ac.jp



Warning about false report re: Malaysian elections (PDF)


Ph.D. in Social Psychology, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, 2003
Postdoctoral Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2003-2005
Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan, 2003-2004
Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, 2004-2005
Assistant Professor, Koshien University, 2005-2008
Assistant Professor, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University, 2008-2011
Associate Professor, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University, 2011- 2019
Professor, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University, 2019
Kyoto University Ph.D.(Social Psychology)
2019.9~2020.5 Stanford University, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences Berggruen Fellow

2012 Outstanding Paper Award: Japan Association for Planning Administration
Uchida, Y. (2011). Happiness in Japanese culture: Psychological and social requirements for reconstruction in Japan. Planning Administration, 34, 21-26.

2013 Outstanding Paper Award: Japan Group Dynamics Association
Uchida, Y., Endo, Y., & Shibanai, Y. (2012). Well-being and social relationship styles: Effects of quantity and quality of social relationships. Japanese Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. 52, 63-75.

2015 Agricultural Extension Research Society of Japan Award (encouraging prize)

2015 Most Outstanding Female Researchers Award, Kyoto University (Tachibana award)

2015 Outstanding Paper Award: The Japanese Psychological Association
Uchida, Y., & Ueno, T., & Miyamoto, Y. (2014). You were always on my mind: The importance of 'significant others' in the attenuation of retrieval-induced forgetting in Japan.
Japanese Psychological Research.56, 263–274

2016 International Contributions to Psychology; Awards for Distinguished Early and Middle Career Contributions (The Japanese Psychological Association)

2021 Asian Association of Social Psychology Misumi Award (Runners up)
Krys, K., Zelenski, J. M., Capaldi, C. A., Park, J., van Tilburg, W., van Osch, Y., Haas, B. W., Bond, M. H., Dominguez-Espinoza, A., Xing, C., Igbokwe, D. O., Kwiatkowska, A., Luzniak-Piecha, M., Nader, M., Rizwan, M., Zhu, Z., & Uchida Y. (2019).
Putting the “We” into well‐being: Using collectivism‐themed measures of well‐being attenuates well‐being's association with individualism. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 22(3), 256-267. doi.org/10.1111/ajsp.12364,.

2022 APS Fellows, Association for Psychological Science (APS)

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